
The A1 runs 610 kilometres from London to Edinburgh. It has been designated the A1 for exactly 100 years

Bunhill Fields

London is a city of towns and villages, once separate from each other and with their own distinct character. And then there would have been the spaces in between; the fields, moorlands and forests almost unpopulated save for the occasional dwelling

The People’s Stone

The People’s Stone or the Freedom of Speech Stone stands on Hampstead Heath on the climb towards Parliament Hill. I have been unable to find out much about it beyond the fact that it may have once been a place where people congregated to protest or to speak out on controversial matters, a little bit like Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.


In 1833 six farm workers in the village of Tolpuddle, Dorset, seeing their living standards plummet, combined together to protect their wages. They were prosecuted and transported to Australia. Tens of thousands of protestors set off from Copenhagen Fields (the later site of this clocktower) to petition for their return. Their campaign was successful and the men were freed.

The Hardy Tree

From St Pancras International trains run to places as diverse as Luton, Sheffield and Paris. Just after they have left the station they will pass a small church standing in an old churchyard.