Out of the light

The process of creating photographs fascinates me. Every morning, before starting work, I go for a walk to separate my personal and professional lives. I observe my surroundings, seeking beauty in everyday scenes. It amazes me how I can create something new out of nothing but light, imagination, and observation.

Christmas tree

After Christmas the streets are littered with discarded Christmas trees, once adorned with decorations and presents. Struck by their forlorn state, I decided to redecorate them in a celebration of renewal giving the old trees a new (if brief) lease of life, captured in a series of quirky photographs.


In praise of the humble beanbag! It’s an affordable and portable photographic accessory for when you want to support your camera for longer shutter speeds and don’t have your tripod with you.

Holidaying at home

It’s easier to take photographs on holiday when everything is new and exciting but how do you replicate that excitement when you are not on holiday?


A visit to Greenwich to explore some of its lesser know landmarks

Queens Wood

The road from the west to the Mossy Well runs through woodland. Once the trees would have extended much further. Now the Mossy Well has become the North London suburb of Muswell Hill and the forest has shrunk to two small patches along either side of the main road from Highgate tube.